Baringa launches Energy Source
6 March 2025
Global management consultancy Baringa is launching the world’s first software to allow major energy users to view their entire energy portfolio in one dashboard, and make energy decisions with the same rigour as professional investors, developers and lenders.
Energy Source, Baringa’s first licensable software, allows large firms to evaluate the Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) that govern the energy they buy. It also considers their demand profile, helping them better understand their overall portfolio position. This allows companies to make decisions, understand risk, calculate insights and report them to key stakeholders, and to save money through permitting instant and easily-understandable access to data that would previously have been complex and disconnected.
Energy Source is already being used by Tesco, a UK retailer. Henning Bottger, a partner at Baringa, said: “Large firms have been setting decarbonisation targets, but this is the easy part – the hard challenge is decarbonising their electricity to meet those targets.
“One of the largest levers companies can pull are PPAs – but typically information about PPAs exists on different spreadsheets in different geographies, sometimes on the servers of different suppliers. This lack of joined up data can lead to inefficiency in decarbonisation, and potentially to millions being wasted through poor allocation of resources.
“Energy Source exists to correct this. With one view of all Power Purchase Agreements, including all the demand and price modelling companies can need, companies can take better decisions about their electricity, saving money and carbon.”
Launched on Thursday, March 6 2025 and available as a web application, Energy Source provides valuation of current power purchase agreements, analysis and decision-making of current and future contracts, and reporting and audit of this information. It supports customers from initial development of energy procurement strategy, through to assessing offers during tender processes, and finally to managing the company’s portfolio on an ongoing basis.
See our webpage on Energy Source
For more information, contact:
Damian Kerr
+44 7720 783242
About Baringa
Baringa is a global management consultancy operating across sectors including energy, financial services, consumer products and services and government.
We set out to build the world’s most trusted consulting firm – creating lasting impact for clients and pioneering a positive, people-first way of working. We work with everyone from FTSE 100 names to bright new start-ups, in every sector. We have hubs in Europe, the US, Asia and Australia, and we can work all around the world – from a wind farm in Wyoming to a boardroom in Berlin. Find us wherever there’s a challenge to be tackled and an impact to be made.
Find out more at baringa.com or on LinkedIn.
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