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Lean on AI

2 min read 24 July 2024 By Ben Reid, Partner and Jon Zeslawski, expert in Organization, Performance, and Change

Forget robotic efficiency and soulless chatbots; that was the talk of 2023. While everyone is chasing productivity hacks with Generative AI (GPT-3, LLMs, you name it), Lean organizations are quietly unlocking the true potential of AI: transforming customer experiences and eclipsing the competition. We've spent decades helping leaders eliminate waste to maximize customer value and can see the huge potential here when AI is done right, but that’s always the trick isn’t it? How to get it right.

So here is our take for 2024 in the context of the first Lean principle; “to define value in the eyes of the customer”. Think back to when the Lean business model first took the corporate world by storm. It wasn't just about doing things faster; it was about doing the right things better. The same applies to AI. Don't get sucked into the efficiency trap. Ask yourself: "Is this AI moving the needle for our customers?"

Remember Eli Goldratt's "The Goal"? Simply doing the wrong things faster is a recipe for disaster If your mission is to serve customers better than anyone else, harness AI to give them what they truly want, not just a faster, cheaper version of the same old thing or hopping on a bandwagon to brand your own bot based on the same Large Language Model as everyone else.

It shouldn’t be about outsourcing creativity to Silicon Valley. Sure, ChatGPT can write anything, but can it replicate the genuine passion and customer obsession that drives Lean teams? Imagine exceeding customer expectations, not just meeting them. Can a chatbot ever match that?

The opportunity is massive. AI could:

  1. Reduce cycle times; freeing up time to spend with customers
  2. Handle the mundane to improve accuracy and ignite your teams
  3. Supplement teams with more insight to share with customers

AI can automate many day-to-day tasks, freeing up human talent for higher-order thinking, focusing people on customer-centric value creation.

Leaders have a choice. Take the knee-jerk reaction and cash in on short-term efficiencies. Or make the bold move, to use AI in the right way to invest in your people, and unleash a wave of customer-centric innovation. The competition won't know what hit them.

Taiichi Ohno, the father of Lean, would be proud. He wouldn't settle for generic AI responses. He'd demand AI that empowers humans to deliver truly exceptional, personalized high-quality customer service, and I completely agree; it's the future of Customer Service

Ditch the micro-productivity obsession and build a future where AI is the magic wand that transforms your customers’ experience. Share your thoughts, your stories, and let's make customer value the North Star of your AI journey.

It's time to Lean on AI. Are you ready? To learn more please contact Ben Reid.

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