People transformation

Setting the people strategy and creating the operating model for the workforce of the future, with people analytics and strategic workforce planning.

People transformation

To perform at their best, your people need to be clear on what’s expected of them, and given the right tools to do their job. We help you analyse the data, set the people strategy, and create the operating model for the workforce of the future. 

People strategy

We’re proud to be a truly people-centric organisation. We’ll use our experience to help you prepare for the future of work through a people strategy which is:

  • aligned to strategic business objectives and your core processes
  • inclusive, transparent and easy to understand
  • aspirational and sustainable
  • measurably focused on business and people outcomes.

To do that, we:

  • design the right employee value proposition to drive organisational outcomes
  • define the implementation roadmap and change approach
  • integrate changes throughout HR so your tools, processes, policies and ways of working are set up for success.

Organisation design and operating model

We design the organisational structures, governance, job families, roles, responsibilities and ways of working that will help you deliver your strategy most effectively. We engage with your workforce, and use our people transition and business change experience, to turn our design into a successful reality. To do that, we:

  • define the vision, purpose, and design principles for your organisational design
  • identify the skills and structures needed to bring it to life
  • build new measures, controls and governance structures
  • define the behaviours, culture and ways of working
  • establish transformation roadmaps and the implementation change approach.

Strategic workforce planning

We work closely with your leaders to understand their challenges and aspirations for the organisation’s future. We combine that with knowledge on the future of work to produce a plan to get you there. We’ll work through what skills you need (technical, leadership and behavioural) to deliver the outcomes, capabilities and culture you’re looking for. To do that, we:

  • establish future workforce scenarios to deliver the business strategy
  • analyse your current state and how the transition will look
  • design talent sourcing options and update your people approach
  • show you how you can build, buy, borrow or ‘bot’ a people-centred workforce.

People analytics

We’ll set you up with a suite of people analytics that show data from across the employee lifecycle. You’ll be able to study valuable people data and start turning the insights into action. To do that, we:

  • create hypotheses of the problem statements we want to understand and measure
  • identify data sets and analysis methods
  • build people analytics dashboards.


Taking the full view of your entire talent ecosystem, including employee value proposition, skills and careers, and learning and development.


We take a view of your organisation’s entire talent ecosystem, now and in the future, to make sure it’s set up to attract and retain people for sustainable success.

Learning and development

We create learning strategies that drive business value by helping people believe in your purpose and reach high levels of performance. Our learning solutions are innovative, technology-driven, and focused primarily on people. And they’re backed up with a robust learning operating model that creates a sustained learning culture in your organisation. To do that, we:

  • develop your learning strategy and operating model
  • establish a learning culture
  • develop user-centred learning journeys and skills-driven learning curriculums
  • design and deliver learning solutions, including digital, social and experiential
  • measure the impact and ROI from learning.

Skills and careers

We’ll show you how to develop your workforce and retain talent by creating flexible career paths for employees now and in the future. We’ll introduce capability frameworks to help you fill gaps in skills, and connect them to fast-tracked learning journeys for specific job families. To do that, we:

  • establish a career strategy that connects to your workforce planning needs and attracts and retains talent
  • develop a current and future skills taxonomy and career development framework
  • analyse skills gaps, individually and enterprise-wide
  • design and deliver blended learning to develop your workforce and attract new talent.

Employee value proposition (EVP)

We help bring your people strategy to life for everyone at the organisation, whether they’re just joining or getting near to retirement. We’ll work with persona-based insights to distil a common purpose into a personalised EVP you can use to attract and retain talent, both as part of ‘business as usual’ and as part of transformation. To do that, we:

  • listen to and understand the voice of the employee
  • review and refresh the employee experience
  • define the employee lifecycle and build moments that matter
  • build your employee value proposition for both intrinsic and extrinsic reward.

Talent ecosystem

A healthy talent ecosystem helps you put the right people (with the right skills and
behaviours) in the right roles at the right time. We’ll help you build a diverse supply of talent by optimising your talent acquisition processes and matching up your talent strategy with your strategic workforce planning. To do that, we:

  • define the talent vision and strategy
  • establish talent acquisition strategy from sourcing to recruitment to onboarding
  • build a talent marketplace to capture skills data and help people progress in their career
  • establish a dynamic talent management strategy and model for talent flow and succession planning
  • build and embed a diversity, equity and inclusion strategy.

Leadership development

When your leaders are able to empower others, they inspire people to achieve excellence and set them up for success in the workplace. We’ll boost your collective leadership capability so your leaders have the skills for those conversations and activities. To do that, we:

  • design your leadership development strategy and curriculum at all levels
  • assess your leadership capability now and set goals for the future
  • design immersive development experiences
  • establish coaching and mentoring communities to keep the momentum up
  • track progress against performance outcomes
  • make behavioural change and learning part of ‘business as usual’.


Creating positive conditions for business change to succeed, and setting your organisation up to deliver impact that lasts.


Change is good. We create positive conditions for business change to succeed, and set your organisation up to deliver impact that lasts.

Change and engagement

We guide you through big changes—whether that’s implementing a new IT platform, finding a new way to manage performance, or transforming business functions. We plan and implement the change from start to finish, and make sure your people have a positive experience so they’re motivated to get the job done. To do that, we:

  • develop your change vision and strategy
  • create a change roadmap that meets your strategic objectives
  • plan and implement change from start to finish
  • manage your stakeholders
  • communicate and engage with your people
  • encourage user adoption.

Digital change and organisational readiness

We get your people up to speed with digital tools faster by making sure all business units are ready for change. It’s all about making people feel empowered and accountable. So they own the change—and are ready to keep growing in future. To do that, we:

  • develop your digital change strategy and roadmap
  • engage and support the people who will be impacted
  • explore and implement new ways of working
  • manage risk by governing and conducting readiness assessments
  • develop and support training.

Behaviour and culture change

We’ll help you create a lasting culture of success. That means changing mindsets so that people are motivated to meet your strategic objectives today, exceed them in future, and embed the behaviour change over time. To do that, we:

  • assess your culture as it is today
  • design a cultural vision, and benchmark it
  • find the activities that will deliver against your strategic objectives
  • map out new ways of working
  • find solutions to shift mindsets by leading from the top.

People transition and consultation

We’re experienced in transitioning large numbers of people into new operating models. Over the years, we’ve found it’s best to convene a cross-functional team of leaders and HR practitioners who will manage the change. This helps manage the risks and keeps everyone engaged. To do that, we:

  • define job categories, people transition plans and people talent plans
  • conduct capability and change impact assessments
  • advise on managing people risks as part of the consultation
  • engage and support people throughout the transition
  • build your capability for the long term, including new ways of working, role and process changes.

Building change capability

We’ll shape and build your in-house change capability by designing the delivery model that’s right for you. And then get to work building the new knowledge bases, career paths, organisation structures and performance measures you need to embed it. To do that, we:

  • define your change capability strategy
  • assess where you are today
  • define new change functions and competency models
  • develop a change training strategy and curriculum
  • deliver change capability training.

HR transformation

Advising on HR strategy, systems and capability, and putting the right technology in place for the future of work.

HR transformation

By advising on your strategy, systems and capability, we’ll help you run a HR function that works at maximum effectiveness. And by putting the right technology in place, we’ll build you a solid foundation for the future of work.

HR digital transformation

We help turn HR from an administrative function to a strategic one that’s ready for the future of work. We transform teams in terms of the service they offer, how they deliver it, and how they’re able to guide workforce performance. To do that, we:

  • create the vision and roadmap for the function
  • assess your HR function’s digital maturity
  • build your future HR service catalogue, operating model and organisation design
  • help you choose and procure the right HR system and optimise your processes.

HR leadership and capability

We help you define and evolve the role of HR. We’ll build skills and capabilities so that HR teams can enable the workforce and their changing demands. To do that, we:

  • advise on future HR leadership and workforce
  • explore skills and structures that underpin your HR strategy
  • build evolving HR capability, for example in workforce planning.

HR strategy and operating model

We make sure your HR department is a true strategic partner that delivers commercial value to the business. We’ll introduce agile ways of working that improve collaboration and help you evolve faster, and shape them around what your employees need. To do that, we:

  • define the future HR strategy
  • build your vision and purpose
  • establish design principles and measures, controls, and outcomes
  • build the HR operating model and structures
  • identify and build governance principles and operating procedures.

System advisory

We create the HR technology roadmap that will make your processes and service sleek and efficient. This often includes employee self-service, which frees up valuable time for HR professionals. We focus our systems integrations around your people and what will help them keep the business running at pace. To do that, we:

  • identify the HR IT architecture you need
  • help you select a systems vendor (as an independent advisor)
  • integrate your systems
  • establish customer journeys and manage the end-to-end service.

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