Emissions measurement and reporting is changing. Simple, top-down methodologies will no longer suffice. In the face of a multitude of emerging threats and opportunities, a much more accurate approach is needed, right across the value chain. 

The practice of measuring GHG (greenhouse gas emissions) in the natural resources sector is rapidly becoming more rigorous, with rule-of thumb estimates being replaced by more granular, accurate, bottom-up calculations, particularly where Scope 2 and 3 are concerned. 

Better emissions measurement pays off, with benefits ranging from risk management such as regulatory futureproofing, improved corporate governance and clearer stakeholder accountability, to commercial gains such as efficiency improvements, access to cheaper finance, product differentiation, and greater innovation. 

Through our work with leading energy and resources producers and traders, we have identified six compelling reasons to get your business on the right emissions pathway. These reasons are: 

  • Enable active management of emissions in daily operations 
  • Optimise emissions up and down the value chain 
  • Become a premium partner  
  • Future-proof regulatory compliance 
  • Access to more finance, on better terms 
  • Recruiting and retaining talent 

Click below to download our report where you can find out more detail about why to change for the better.

For more information on our Emissions Measurement and Reporting work, or how Baringa can help your organisation, please contact the authors Hugh Greene, David Kane and Aaron McDougall. You can also watch David Kane and Hugh Greene discuss the risks and opportunities of emissions management or read our latest report on measuring emissions across the value chain

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Six reasons to get your business on the right emissions pathway (PDF)


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