Two engineers inspecting an installation

Measuring emissions across complex value chains

22 March 2023 10 min read | By Hugh Greene and Aaron McDougall, experts in Low Carbon Solutions

There is no rule book for measuring and reporting on emissions, but from our work with a wide-range of organisations across energy and resources value-chains, we believe good industry practices are emerging that can contribute to genuine transparency around emissions.  ​

As things stand today, there is huge variety in the way emissions are measured and reported among players in the energy and resources sector. Even between the largest oil and mining majors, such is the divergence of approach that reported emissions are simply not comparable.  ​

To some degree, this divergence is merely reflective of the complexity of the task – it is never going to be a question of simple compliance and rule-following. A meaningful approach requires contextualised judgement and strategic thinking at every step. The answer to questions such as what constitutes ‘your’ assets, can be surprisingly ambiguous, and that’s before organisations consider the much more complex challenge of Scope 3 measurement across their value chain.  ​

Despite these challenges, our work with clients has shown that beginning with high-level, principles-based thinking, and applying some relatively simple rules of thumb, can go a long way to achieving a meaningful and responsible approach to emissions measurement and reporting.   

Download our latest report below to find out more about measuring emissions across complex value chains.

For more on our emissions measurement and reporting work, or on how Baringa can help your organisation, contact Hugh Greene and Aaron McDougall. You can also read our latest report the six reasons to get your business on the right emissions pathway or watch David Kane and Hugh Greene discuss the risks and opportunities of emissions management

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Measuring emissions across the value chain (PDF)


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