A gap analysis for US financial institutions

There’s major regulation on the way that will be a game-changer for how organizations across the US address climate change. In March 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed rules to introduce and standardize climate-related disclosures for investors. These rules are due to be finalized following the conclusion of a public consultation and will come into force in the coming months.

To help organizations prepare, we’ve scoured the SEC’s 500-page proposals and performed a thorough gap analysis to see how it compares against TCFD guidance (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures).

Download the report to:

  • Understand the key differences between the SEC’s proposals and TCFD guidance
  • Learn exactly what additional steps you need to take to adhere to the proposed new rules
  • Explore our recommendations for closing the gaps based on our in-depth expertise in climate reporting, acquired over years of helping leading financial institutions to benchmark, improve and report on their climate-related performance

Learn what this means for your company:

Enter your information below to download the report. Any questions? Get in touch.

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