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What does net zero mean to financial services?

23 September 2021

This topic is more important than ever given the scale of the impact of climate events on the global population, and the significance of the opportunity in COP26 to influence our path forward. 

During this discussion we share our experience and views on what Net Zero means for the financial services industry and investor community and the role that each can play in accelerating the global transition to Net Zero.

We highlight about some of the critical challenges that the industry faces, as well as the opportunities that transition will create.

BlackRock and Baringa come together in this webinar, as part of the New York City Climate Week, to talk about what Net Zero means to financial services?

Our panel

MC - Baringa: Colin Preston, Partner, Head of Climate Change Solutions

Baringa: Oliver Rix, Partner, Energy Advisory Services and Anindita Pal, Director, Net-Zero Climate Strategy

Blackrock: Antonio Baldaque da Silva, Managing Director, Head of the Aladdin Sustainability Lab and Christopher Weber, Managing Director, Head of Climate and Sustainability Research


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