In our discussion with Blackrock, we talk about the potential for financial services and investors to support and accelerate the transition of the global economy to net zero, and the critical role that data will play in this journey.

This can be done in multiple ways, whether through reallocating capital, influencing global policy, or directly engaging with clients and customers to educate them and support them on their own transition journeys.

This comes with risks, but understanding these risks can shape our response both to mitigate that risk, but also to create opportunities to achieve net zero.

As part of the New York City Climate WeekBlackRock and Baringa discuss the role of financial services and investors on the path to net zero.

Our panel

MC - Baringa: Colin Preston, Partner, Head of Climate Change Solutions

Baringa: Oliver Rix, Partner, Energy Advisory Services and Anindita Pal, Director, Net-Zero Climate Strategy

Blackrock: Antonio Baldaque da Silva, Managing Director, Head of the Aladdin Sustainability Lab and Christopher Weber, Managing Director, Head of Climate and Sustainability Research

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