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Digital twins - energy transition drives a new purpose

29 July 2021 20 min read | By Johan Nell, Partner, expert in natural resources

Digital twins are being given a new lease of life through the energy transition

Digital Twins have a significant role to play in optimising our current Oil & Gas assets by enhancing the understanding of value drivers, production bottlenecks and obstacles.  But also, in optimising the UK’s energy landscape of tomorrow, digital twins are becoming increasingly instrumental to the integration of the various components of the evolving energy system.

Connecting digital twins across the emerging components of the local or extended energy system, which includes oil & gas, renewables, hydrogen and CCUS, will be increasingly important. It will provide insights, enable analytics and the application of artificial intelligence to determine solutions to solve energy and emissions balance challenges.


  • Twin the whole energy system not just the component (i.e., asset) – and hence optimise at system-level across components.
  • Consider emissions in the design of the twinning solution, for every asset, by taking consideration of the nodes and network around it. 
  • Implement and then optimise a “fit for purpose” approach for the new capabilities and components that need to be added to the basin.

The application and investment in Twins


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