Baringa’s Products & Services leader Koen Van Bockstaele is joined by Felipe Ferreira and Pedro Devesa from Worten, a Portuguese market leader in technology, household appliances, consumables and entertainment electronics, to discuss Worten’s biggest short and long term challenges, the effect that Covid has had on the business, and how Baringa has supported Worten in meeting the needs of its customers in a changing retail landscape.

Listen to our podcast below or on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and Spotify.

View a transcript of this podcast here

About the host:


Koen Van Boekstaele, Consumer Products & Retail Expert, Baringa

Koen currently leads Baringa's Products and Services practice, and has over 25 years of experience working with global consumer products and retail clients.

About the guests:


Felipe Ferreira, Head of Digital Transformation, Worten

Felipe has been part of Sonae, the multinational business group that owns Worten, for almost 20 years, and has led Sonae's Digital, Supply Chain and Logistics operations.


Pedro Devesa, Head of Digital Business, Worten

Pedro is an award-winning digital leader, who leads Worten's digital operations within business, digital transformation, innovation and change management.

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