The Economics of Kindness text with flowers

Exploring kindness and its role in business

At Baringa, we believe that kindness in business pays, but we want to explore whether others share our belief. We’re exploring The Economics of Kindness from different perspectives – getting the views of our own people, business, academics and experts, and the general public.

Watch video: An introduction to the #EconomicsOfKindness.

"We define kindness as being honest, saying the hard truths and tackling the tough challenges head-on in order to create lasting, positive change, and better results."

What is kindness in business?

We believe that you create lasting impacts when you put people—customers, employees, investors, suppliers, and society—first.

What is kindness in business?

We believe that you create lasting impacts when you put people—customers, employees, investors, suppliers, and society—first.

Putting people first means being kind—ensuring everyone has a voice, being honest with customers and colleagues, saying the hard truths and tackling the tough challenges head on. That’s not the same as being nice, where you might avoid saying what you really think. Kindness is often the more difficult choice.
Being kind in business is a way to behave that creates better results. That’s because it helps build the trust needed at every stage to ensure the right things are done that create the positive impacts that last.

Expert view

Business view

Consumer view

Academic view

Our Experts

Does kindness pay?

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