Paul Rama of consumer healthcare company Haleon discusses how the blurring of lines between work and life has meant leaders need to be more aware of their teams and demonstrate greater levels of kindness to be effective.

This interview is part of our series on the Economics of Kindness. Find out how we're changing the way that business sees kindness in the workplace. 
The Economics of Kindness

On this page, you can listen to our full interview with Paul Rama or jump to the excerpts.

A few highlights:

  • Leadership is more complex than ever
  • Leaders need to manage the work and life challenges of their teams
  • Why open lines of communication are essential
  • Being nice is more about your own best interests whereas being kind is about someone else’s best interests
  • Why businesses need to reflect society in their teams
  • Being kind is the right thing to do for individuals and the business
  • The difference between being kind and being nice
  • Why leaders can’t separate care and profitability

A transcript of the interview is available here. 

Listen to excerpts

How the dynamics of work have changed the demands of leadership

The impact of changes on people entering the workforce

What leaders need to do to take care of people at work

The difference between being nice and being kind

How to get the balance right between care and profitability

Listen to the full discussion

About the speakers

Hosted by:

Danny Lin, expert in Consumer Products and Retail at Baringa. Danny works with retailers and consumer products companies to improve their supply chains.

In conversation with: 

Paul Rama, North America Supply Chain Planning Lead at Haleon. Paul spearheads a team of 70 people and has extensive experience in demand planning, inventory planning and sales and operations management, built up during his 30 years working in global businesses.

Meet our expert

Danny Lin

Danny Lin

Danny Lin helps retailers and consumer products companies improve their supply chains. This ranges from optimising inventory for apparel companies, improving packaging and logistics for food businesses, or using automation and AI to create agile planning capabilities.

As technology has evolved, Danny has been at the forefront, leveraging it to solve his clients’ business challenges in tangible and sustainable ways. He is driven by helping his clients succeed in both their role at their companies, and as individuals too.

Learn more

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