COP26 is seen by many as the ‘last shot at getting the climate chaos under control’ and meet the target set in the Paris Agreement in 2015. Collaboration is one of the four COP26 Goals and governments working together to address the defining issue of our generation, Net Zero.

Despite scepticism and concerns around what will actually be achieved at this year’s conference, there is still hope that leaders will leave the blaming tactics behind and work together to raise ambitions to address a problem that affects all. 

An outcome that we expect out of COP26 is that commitments and negotiations around further and/or tighter policies are stepped up to discuss how governments will go from policy / strategy to executing these to at least deliver their own commitments. Climate Change is by far the biggest and most complex challenge humanity has and will ever face and every single part of the eco-system we live in has a part to play.

So what will be required for each government and corporates to deliver their policies to meet their carbon emissions reduction targets at a much greater pace? The beast of the challenge needs to be broken down into sensible sectorial or systems ‘chunks’ but still be managed with extremely tight cross economy cohesion and coordination across private and public sectors.

Consistency in how to set up and run a portfolio of programmes and measure progress against plans will provide the right governance to keep all players honest. A portfolio approach will enable players across the economy to come together and break silos, encouraging stronger engagement, with a mind-set of agility and flexibility to test and learn on the go.

An exciting challenge ahead but one that needs to be driven with a mind-set to deliver results fast.

Follow Baringa Partners on LinkedIn for more updates and thoughts on the run up to the COP26 conference and our obseravations and take-aways during the event itself.        

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