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COP26 Outcomes #10: Post COP legacy

30 October 2021 2 min read | By Grazzia Horn, Partner, Government and public sector, London

As with successful COP meetings before in Kyoto and Paris, the legacy will be seen in how Glasgow changes the conversation on our journey to net zero. Is this the point at which the major nations get serious, unlock the finance needed to progress setting credible delivery plans and in doing so think hard about making this a just transition globally?

COP26 can’t be just a 2-week meeting for policy makers and like-minded experts on climate change, it must have a long-lasting impact and be a turning point where strategy turns to delivery. When the dust settles from COP26, the work will not be done and governments must continue efforts to push home the messages, finalise agreements and become the custodians of the COP26 legacy through 2022 and beyond.

Follow Baringa Partners on LinkedIn for more updates and thoughts on the run up to the COP26 conference and our observations and take-aways during the event itself.         

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