A black electric car charging in a leafy street

Enabling the roll-out of on-street charging infrastructure

5 January 2021 By Natasha Patel, Director, Energy and Resources & Alexis Storey, Expert in Energy and Resources

90% of households without off-street parking do not have access to public charging infrastructure within a 5 minute walk of their house*. However, on-street charging is an unavoidable part of the UK’s network of charging infrastructure and will be a key requirement for mass electric vehicle uptake (e.g. return to home fleets).

This article explores the current barriers to deploying on-street charging infrastructure and offers a proposed solution for 'least regrets' investment: detailed customer segmentation to allow for tailoring infrastructure to the needs of local residents thus enabling commercially viable investment into on-street charging.

*Reference: Field Dynamics

Read the full article

Enabling the roll-out of on-street charging infrastructure (PDF, 1.26 MB)


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