As we move forward to a Low Carbon Future, this webinar focuses on Renewable Energy Auctions.

Webinar details: 
Duration: 60 mins
Language:  English

The session was hosted by Baringa's Phil Grant, Partner, Energy and Resources alongside Sebastian Pont, expert in the Irish Power Market and Manon Derelle, expert in Renewable Auction Strategy. Together, they take you on a deep dive through Baringa’s insights into UK and Irish renewable energy auctions.

As well as setting out the opportunity for renewables tenders to procure capacity and deliver net zero, our experts share Baringa’s analysis on the two latest auctions, CfD and RESS 2, where there were some key differences in price levels, drivers, and dynamics.

You’ll gain insight into the strategies used by participants in these latest auctions and how developers reflected the current wholesale environment.

Looking to the future, our panellists will present the outlook for both offshore and onshore wind, the lessons to be learnt and what to expect in the next round of auctions (ORESS, CfD AR5 and RESS 3).

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