As we move forward to a Low Carbon Future, Baringa hosted a webinar focusing on whether the UK and Europe have enough gas this winter.

Webinar details
Duration: 60 mins
Language: English

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has created significant supply insecurity for European consumers. 

Baringa’s gas experts outline potential scenarios for how Europe could cope with a sudden termination of Russian gas flows as we head into the winter months. They pose the question “will the UK and Europe have enough gas this winter?”. 

They address whether LNG markets will be able to continue to provide additional supplies to Europe and outline how the UK is likely to manage without long-duration storage in the worse “no Russian gas” scenario.

Peter Thompson, Expert in Gas & LNG

Caspian Conran, Expert in Political Economics 
Farzaneh Daneshzand, Expert in Energy Systems Planning

Watch a playback of the event here: 

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