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Public Sector Productivity

Productivity levels across public services of government are lagging behind the private sector, with many government departments and agencies struggling to connect their people with their core purpose.

Productivity levels across public services of government are lagging behind the private sector, with many government departments and agencies struggling to connect their people with their core purpose.

Since the pandemic, the private sector has seen a 1.3% uplift in productivity, but public services are currently 5.7% less productive. There is increasing pressure to deliver immediate turnarounds in productivity – but such pressure doesn’t always lead to sustained operational improvements. Government departments will face tight funding settlements for the foreseeable future, against rising demand for public services.

There is a lot of noise about the productivity challenge, and there is a very real risk that overfocus on getting more cases out of the door doesn’t address the fundamental challenges with delivery of public services.

At Baringa, we help our clients think more broadly about how to achieve more productive public services. Our government clients have unlocked sustained productivity improvements when we have worked together on what it truly means to be efficient and effective, starting with connecting people to purpose.

Watch video: How do we address the public sector 'productivity' challenge?

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