In our latest report, we identify some of the applications of DLT and their ties into Web 3, including the three key processes where we believe DLT is having the greatest impact, with examples of disruptors providing innovative solutions.

We look at how distributed ledger technology (DLT) is already impacting the finance sector, presenting countless opportunities to build a more resilient, efficient and reliable infrastructure.  

Download our report to learn:

  • What DLT is and the difference between public and private
  • How financial services organisations can benefit from the advancement of Web 3 technologies
  • The three key processes where DLT is having the greatest impact and how they’re currently being utilised
  • Plus, two additional use cases yet to be explored by financial services

You can also find more examples of where disruptors are providing innovative solutions to existing processes.

Example: Improving cross-border settlement 

Improving cross border settlements png

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