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"Teams reflect their leaders. If a leader is able to listen twice as well as they can speak, wondrous things can happen. Once they begin to speak leaders are beacons, they have a duty to shine light in a way that inspires and guides others."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Consumer products, retail and resources

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In detail:

John has been working with global brands for almost all of his career, in an arc that intersected with marketing, advertising, supply chain management, analytics and data consulting. He’s delighted to bring that experience to Baringa’s supply chain practice as our lead for digital supply chain. 

He has helped clients convert strategy to capability in strategic, fast-start projects and large global transformation programmes. His experience across sectors and geographies has given him a well-developed sense of the importance of culture and context in creating impact that lasts. With leadership roles within and beyond consulting, he is able to bring a balance between pragmatism and innovation, challenge and impact, to his engagements. 

He is energised by working with clients to solve their complex challenges, leveraging his knowledge of supply chain, data and technology to focus on addressing the issues of the day while making a lasting impact over time. John is passionate about developing talent and believes that one searches for talent but hires for character. Talent helps you solve the client issue technically, but character gets you through when the solution is hard to achieve.  

When not working with clients and colleagues, John enjoys time spent with family and friends, alongside his pastime of motorcycling and adventure touring.  

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