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"The global energy crisis was needed for us to understand that it’s not just about the supply side of energy; something that has had a lot of focus in the past. Understanding demand and consumer behaviour are equally important to designing a sustainable energy system for all."

At a glance:

With Baringa since 

Works across
Energy transition and transaction advisory

Career in another life
Would love to be competing in a Team GB tracksuit – in any sport that would have me

In detail: 

Anya has always worked in and around the energy sector as an engineer, consultant and banker. Her early career focused on working with energy retailers, looking at how and where consumers touch energy, and helping them adapt to regulation. Later she channelled capital into energy projects with institutional investors in corporate finance and consulting roles. Today, Anya advises governments on the policy landscape needed to unlock investor capital, facilitating deals between investors and new energy businesses, and laying the foundations for a decarbonised energy system.

Anya leads a team of proudly geeky energy market experts, and supports clients in making major decisions, help with highly analytical modelling input to knocking around ideas at a white board. She loves putting the brains of our smartest experts to work on her client’s most complicated challenges. Drawing on their expertise in everything from EVs to batteries to energy market modelling helping her clients to spot market opportunities, navigate the regulatory environment and complete investments, she’s driving meaningful progress in the energy transition. Her proudest moment has been leading the UK’s adoption of smart meters, advising on investment strategies, manufacturing and rollout into homes up and down the country.

Anya lives in the Surrey with her family and two lively dogs. Energetic by nature, she loves ridiculous physical challenges – here’s hoping she makes it across the solent swim this summer. When she gets round to proper downtime, she enjoys tucking into true crime and psychology podcast series.

Insights from Anya Davis

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