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"Data has real potential. If financial institutions can improve their data quality, and put it to work, they can drive their competitive advantage, make better decisions and get the most out of new technologies."

At a glance: 

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Financial services

Favourite hobby
Composing electronic music

In detail: 

Brad’s always been fascinated by technology. When he started working in financial services in the mid-90s, he saw the power it had to change businesses. Technology revolutionised bond trading and made it possible to work 20 times faster and more accurately than before. What’s more, it could drive competitive advantage. Brad sees the same potential in data. Which is why, as he leads Baringa’s US Financial Services Team, Brad focuses on helping clients transform their data quality. He helps his clients use data to make better decisions, improve their organisation and manage their business relationships.

Brad loves being his clients’ sounding board, using his depth of experience to advise them. He strives to deliver a point of view that’s challenging and thought-provoking in a way that feels supportive. It’s important that his clients can feel his good intentions, that he’s challenging them to help them find the right solution.

Two things top Brad’s list of proudest Baringa moments: a milestone and a decision. The first was the moment the US business really started to take off – when clients began to trust the team with strategic projects that had real impact. The second was putting diversity first when assembling his team.  Building an organisation from the ground up gave him the chance to create a team that was open to all, not because of the bottom-line benefits, but because it would make for a better team. And when he hears clients say, “Wow, what an amazingly diverse team you have,” it’s music to his ears.   

Speaking of music, if you’re ever on a zoom call with Brad, you won’t help but notice the tower of keyboards behind him. He composes music in his spare time, mostly electronic, but he’s known for the occasional foray into hip-hop. Just ask his team - he treated them to a self-composed Baringa rap song during lockdown!


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