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"There are huge opportunities for companies that can think about patients more holistically, whether that’s in disease prevention, improved diagnosis, or monitoring and managing conditions. Technology and our understanding of the causes of disease are now at a stage where this vision can finally become a reality."

At a glance: 

With Baringa since

Works across
Pharmaceuticals and life sciences

Career in another life
Professional golfer

In detail: 

Chris joined Merck from university in a trainee management accountant role working on supply chain and medicine delivery. By chance, Chris recognised the medicines that Merck developed as ones that members of his family relied on. He was immediately struck by the real-world impact of his work. Hungry for varied experience within the pharmaceutical industry, Chris then worked in a large consultancy helping a wide range of clients with their challenges. He finds great purpose in his work – improving processes in these companies delivers better health outcomes for people. 

Chris helps large pharmaceutical and life sciences companies to strip back the complexity that’s common to large organisations that have grown over time. He helps them to simplify processes. Not only to ensure compliance with regulation, but to free up time and resources to focus on their biggest goals - to discover and commercialise new drugs, or to design and launch new diagnostics tools. This can mean making sure that key processes are in place and employees work with a quality mindset. Cutting 5000 compliance documents down to a manageable 70 representing core drug development processes. Or implementing digital workflows to replace cumbersome documents. 

Chris likes to be embedded with clients, working side by side with them to not only understand the business challenge but also what motivates the individuals as people. How can he help them best? How are they personally looking to develop? He uses his experience of the industry to help them see the strategic connections and interdependencies that will arise during projects. This can mean challenging or influencing stakeholders to look at situations from new perspectives. By doing this, Chris spots opportunities to add value beyond their expectations. 

Chris loves the outdoors and lives with his family in Northumberland, in easy reach of the seaside and nature. Having recently moved into a new house with a somewhat wild garden, Chris often spends weekends taming it for his children to enjoy safely. If stranded on a desert island he’d ask for an iPhone loaded with music, saving Bruce Springsteen’s greatest hits from the waves if he could only choose one album.


Find out how Baringa helps pharmaceutical and life science businesses

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