Christian von Hammerstein
Expert in Sales

Contact Christian
"I’m passionate about helping organsations unlock their potential, addressing not just the immediate challenges but layingthe foundation for meaningful, lasting transformation and long-term success."
At a glance:
Joined Baringa in
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Superpower he would pick
Have an exceptional memory
In detail:
Christian is a Manager in our Energy sector practice. He is based in Hamburg and partners with businesses to unlock transformative growth, combining a fresh, external perspective with tangible solutions. His focus areas include innovation management, process optimisation and fostering a startup mindset within established organisations.
Christian’s expertise lies in guiding clients through large-scale transformations. Career highlights include designing the process organisation for a large international consumer goods company and supporting the launch of a startup, taking it from ideation to full implementation.
Christian is known for his collaborative approach - integrating seamlessly into client teams and working hand-in-hand with stakeholders. His expertise in innovation and process management enables him to bridge the gap between high-level strategy and detailed execution.
Outside of work, Christian is passionate about the outdoors. He enjoys cooking, climbing, and paragliding, and always looks for new adventures in nature. A particularly formative experience was a year spent volunteering in rural Guatemala, which gave him a deep appreciation for other cultures and different perspectives.

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