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At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Power Market Analytics, Generation Asset Investment Strategy, Energy Procurement and Trading

Career in another life
Cello soloist, performing with orchestras at world famous or local concert venues to bring music to everyone

In detail:

Born in the history-drenched Adriatic city of Trieste, at the frontier between West Europe and the Balkans, Francesca has always had an innate passion for looking across borders, exploring what unites, more than what divides, and experiencing diversity in all its cultural, economic and social facets. 

She completed her studies at the well-known academic school for diplomacy in Gorizia, another (once) border-divided city, and directed her profession to the world of international trade at a joint UN/WTO agency in Geneva. Since then, she moved through positions across the financial industry in New York and London, before almost stumbling, into the fascinating world of energy. At first, in a renewables-focussed investment capacity at a private equity firm, and finally building a more than a decade-long career in energy consulting.

Over the years, Francesca has helped developers, utilities, financial investors and large energy consumers navigating the complex realm of European power markets and investment dynamics. In her current role, she accompanies business leaders throughout the lifecycle of their commercial negotiations and strategic decision processes, with deep market expertise, data-driven evidence and insightful opinions. 

Beyond work, Francesca loves dedicating time to her family. Weekend mornings sculling on the Oxford stretch of the river Thames are a must though. A good way to unwind and rebalance work, family and personal space.

Insights from Francesca Tedeschi

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