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"To reach net zero, energy networks must use technology to transform safely and securely. But at the same time, they need to maintain security and resilience, deliver cost-efficient service to consumers, and fend off increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. We help our clients tackle these challenges and drive positive change within their organisations."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
CIO Advisory and Digital Transformation in Energy networks businesses

What surprises people about me
I played ultimate frisbee at the world club championships in St Andrews

In detail:

Iain is always eager to learn something new – whether that’s working with a different part of the business or a new technology platform.

This thirst for knowledge has helped Iain develop deep expertise in energy networks organisations, how they operate and the technology that supports the business. He loves working closely with CIOs, Digital Transformation Leads, CISOs and CDOs to solve challenging problems. For example, he recently helped a distribution network operator create five-year regulatory business plans for its IT, digital and data teams. In another project, he worked tirelessly to understand a distribution network operator’s needs so that he could procure complex products and services on the company’s behalf. And he supported a third client’s major business transformation by leading the technology and data migration workstreams.

Iain has enjoyed a varied career, including stints as a systems integrator and at an online tea trading business. But once he started working in energy networks, he never looked back. He’s relentlessly excited about the increasing role of technology, digital and data in the day-to-day operations of energy networks. And he loves helping the leaders in those areas make even greater contributions to their organisations’ success. 

Iain always wants to get to the root of how something works, so that he understands the full picture. That’s why he’s so adept at helping clients find the best solution to whatever challenge they’re facing. Iain gets immense satisfaction and pride from helping clients achieve meaningful change, develop new capabilities and leave a positive legacy.

Outside work, Iain enjoys spending time with his young family, catching up on his seemingly endless list of DIY jobs and going for walks near his home in Oxfordshire. If he could pick a superpower, he’d choose flying or teleportation – anything that gets him where he needs to be quicker!

Insights from Iain Roberts

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