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"Energy is far more than a transactional service. The sector is critical to how societies function! The way we generate and use energy needs to be brought into harmony with the planet’s requirements."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Energy, utilities and resources

Luxury item he'd take to a desert island
Definitely not an iPhone. More likely a ball, a towel, or a BBQ

In detail:

Jochen helps energy businesses decarbonise. He also works with energy traders across the continent helping them improve every aspect of their business.

A consultant since the beginning of his professional life, Jochen joined one of the big four after studying business administration. For his thesis, he worked with local football club Eintracht , evaluating intangible assets like players licences. Partly as a result, he sees energy as a asset that's much more than a simple transactional product - it has a profound impact on the future of society and the environment. 

Jochen aims to cultivate long-term, high-impact relationships with clients; including one he has now worked with for a decade, running multi-functional teams designed to address many client issues in a fast, effective and measurable way. 

Life outside work revolves around family, friends, and sports. Whether he’s taking his two children to tennis and football lessons, or playing team tennis himself, exercise is critical to his happiness. Do what you enjoy, something he teaches his kids, encouraging them to focus on what they’re good at and not what others tell them they should do.

Insights from Jochen Herrmann

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