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"Good organisational transformations are based on good design, and an understanding of the long-term implications of a decision. One where you don’t negotiate the non-negotiables."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Life and pensions, general insurance, wealth and asset management

Life lesson
Carry the job lightly

In detail: 

With a degree in psychology and organisational change, Katharine’s always been fascinated by change: what drives it, how can it be managed, and what are the implications? After joining an insurance graduate scheme, she grew to love the intimacy of the industry: the tight-knit community of people, the mutual networks, and the ability to stay in touch. The comfort and familiarity that comes from having a shared history means everyone can pull in the same direction.

Katharine’s stayed loyal to the industry over the last two decades: she’s performed many roles, COO included, delivering business strategies and BPOs, providing oversight and governance on change agendas, designing target operating models and redesigning whole organisations. Not to mention, managing large-scale systems transformations, helping with operations and processes, or leading customer remediation programmes. Intimately understanding the industry’s needs, Katharine knows what the impact of a decision in one part of the business will have in others.

She believes we can peel away the layers of complexity in the system and make saving for a pension a simple process that everyone understands. A great day for Katharine is one where she’s working with her clients shoulder to shoulder, whether it’s related to regulatory change or exploring big transformational questions with them. Her mission is to keep them safe and make them successful.

Away from work and away from London, Katharine changes the pace with horse riding. An equestrian since the age of three, she appreciates having to let go of everything else when riding. If you don’t want to end up in a hedge, you must focus on the horse and on the moment


Learn more about Long Term Savings and Investments at Baringa

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