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"One of my favourite quotes is from Rania Al-Abdullah: “We are stronger when we listen and smarter when we share. I try to carry this through to my work. Get the right people in a room, listen, collaborate and you’ll soon find the way ahead."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Energy and resources

Favourite album
Queen – Live Aid

In detail:

Katrin works with energy trading teams to help them respond to the dramatic changes the industry is facing. She’s passionate about operational excellence and works with our clients to ensure they’re set up for long-term success. She loves the variety in her work. One moment she’s rethinking processes, organisational design or operating models. The next, designing future system architecture or digital roadmaps to future-proof our clients’ businesses.

Katrin knows that bringing the right people together is what delivers lasting results. She thrives in a collaborative environment, working hand in hand with our clients, and within our diverse team. Integrity and trust really matter to Katrin. She knows that sometimes doing the right thing means delivering tough messages – and she’s never afraid to do that. You can always trust her to do the right thing and give you her honest opinion.

Based in the German city of Wuppertal, Katrin is happiest exploring the world with her husband, getting under the skin of new cultures and experiencing the beauty of our planet. She’s passionate about protecting the environment for generations to come – through her work at Baringa and her support for charitable causes that aim to safeguard our oceans and marine wildlife.

Insights from Katrin Behte

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