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"I believe any organisation can capture the opportunities of tomorrow with the best interests of its workforce at heart today. There’s always a win-win when there’s a shared purpose."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
People, talent and change

A word of wisdom?
Give more than you take

In detail: 

Laura loves helping workforces to reach their potential, with each individual clear about the role they play in the organisation’s success and feeling empowered to make a difference. Every time she partners to redesign and reskill a workforce, create new solutions to manage talent, or build a people strategy, she helps her clients connect their people solutions to their business challenges. And by putting people first, her clients create an impact that lasts. 

For over 20 years, Laura has helped companies design, develop and engage workforces. She’s worked in just about every sector and every hemisphere, from North America to Asia. Her wealth of experience – both in consulting and on executive leadership teams – makes her a trusted voice.

At Baringa, Laura helps her clients solve today’s workforce challenges and prepare for the future. How can organisations bring their purpose to life for their employees? Where will they find the talent they need? How will they retain people and enable them to build new skills? Or manage hybrid and flexible working in a digital age? And through all this change, how do companies become more diverse, inclusive and sustainable?

A big part of the answer, for Laura, is considering the whole system: she believes you can’t push a button in one place expecting an outcome unless you understand the impact you’re having somewhere else. For instance, creating a new organisational purpose must be threaded through individual goals and leadership behaviours. Enabling employees to upskill or reskill must be supported through a culture of high institutional trust. And increasing engagement through recognition can only succeed with aligned performance management and career models.

When Laura’s on a train home to Surrey, she’s grateful for the digital solutions that mean she can order groceries, plan kids’ parties and book holidays online! She’s also been teaching herself to play the piano on an app during lockdowns and jokes that she’s got a great repertoire of Disney classics since taking numerous requests from her two young daughters.

Want to discover how we can help you? Explore our Talent and Culture consulting services

Insights from Laura McKim

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