Contact Mark McLeary

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"Working with government clients is extremely satisfying. I love finding solutions to complex problems, and seeing how our work helps citizens and the nation."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Government and public sector

Job in another life
Either a data scientist or an astronaut

In detail:

Based in Newcastle, Mark specialises in operational excellence and process optimisation for government clients. His work often involves defining the right processes to put new legislation and complex policy objectives into practice.

Mark has worked in government consulting since 2015, and he joined Baringa in 2022. He loves his work, because he gets a real buzz from taking a complex problem and seeing it through to find a good solution. And he really enjoys working on issues that have an impact at the national and citizen level. He also thrives on the variety of work – he likes that every day is different in the world of consulting. Seeing how different government organisations interact and collaborate to run the country is a continued source of fascination for him.

Since Mark studied maths at university, it may come as no surprise that he has a highly analytical mind. He likes to gather plenty of information before making decisions. And he loves collaborating closely with clients. He gets a strong sense of camaraderie working on challenging projects with his clients and consulting colleagues. That’s one of the reasons why he’s so happy at Baringa. He feels we really go the extra mile to deliver value to clients, as well as looking after our employees well.

Mark’s just entered a new chapter of life, as he recently became a proud father to a baby boy called Jake. Outside work, he likes to unwind by playing video games and watching football with friends – especially when his beloved Newcastle United are playing. And he enjoys taking his dogs for an early morning walk.

Learn more about the Government and Public Sector at Baringa

Insights from Mark McLeary

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