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"Payments are what fuels the entire economy, whether that’s through cash, card or even bitcoin. Over the last ten years many of the biggest innovations in financial services have come from payments. This pace of change shows no sign of slowing down, with digital currencies coming ever closer and regulatory change driving the collection of payments data which will unlock immense value across all sectors, drive down financial crime, and facilitate positive change."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Financial services

Favourite place
So many to choose from but I think Udaipur, India might just top the list. Closer to home, I would happily spend all my time at Lord’s, the home of cricket.

In detail:

Matt is a Director in Baringa’s Payments business with extensive experience across Payments and Retail & Commercial Banking. Matt started his career in large-scale systems development and architecture - building, designing, testing and implementing applications across consumer banking, before focusing in on payments, which has been his bread and butter for most of the last 15 years. 

He has worked with a broad range of organisations in this space – from tier 1 global banks to UK retail banks, commercial banks, fintechs, and payment schemes and networks – giving him a comprehensive view of the payments landscape, and an extensive network of senior payments experts. Given his background, Matt has a deep understanding of payments technology and transformation, coupled with broad knowledge of how the payments ecosystem operates.

While Matt likes nothing more than rolling up his sleeves and getting involved in the detail of a payments architecture, he is equally passionate about advising clients on their payments strategies and helping them unlock the value from payments.

Away from work, Matt spends a lot of his time watching or coaching his two kids play football/rugby/cricket/tennis/netball/hockey. When he gets the chance to unwind he is a keen runner and cyclist, enjoys reading and is gradually introducing his kids to increasingly more adventurous holidays.

Insights from Matt Britton

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