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"“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric” – Bertrand Russell"

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Strategy and Transactions  

Favourite phrase

My favourite phrase is “wei wu wei”, from Chinese philosophy .  It literally means “acting without acting” – which can be interpreted in many ways, but in essence implies ego-less action, i.e. doing what is right rather than what is personally beneficial

In detail:

Ven is part of the leadership team in Baringa's Strategy & Transactions practice, working with PE, Infrastructure funds and corporates. He has more than 20 years of experience in strategy consulting – focused on growth strategy, buy-and-build and commercial due diligence / market analysis. Ven's experience is cross-sector and he enjoys bringing together deep sector experts with functional experts, to deliver insightful conclusions to our clients. He's found that framing the right ‘exam’ question is critical for delivering meaningful insights; and his cross-sector experience helps in that framing, as well as in pattern recognition – seeing what works in one industry and thinking laterally about how that may be applicable in another.

Outside of work, Ven enjoys reading philosophy, especially Eastern philosophy, and finding time / space to meditate – often on jogs in Wimbledon Common! He is also interested in geopolitical analyses – which increasingly impact his strategic investment decisions, and cooking.

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