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"Today, business success and technology investment go hand in hand. Companies that can understand, manage and extract the most value from their technology are likely to grow fastest. Making sure that IT, strategy and commercial departments work seamlessly together is the biggest challenge many businesses face."

At a glance:

With Baringa since

Works across
Technology transformation and strategy

Favourite place
Hiking the Torres del Paine in Chile with his wife

In detail:

After graduating in economics at the height of the dotcom era, Richard realised that technology would only rise up the agenda over the coming decades. He threw himself into the industry, securing his first role with a large consultancy in a hands-on technical role - building data centres and complex infrastructure for clients. From here, he grew through a number of IT systems architecture roles, joining the dots between his technical expertise and his client’s business challenges. Richard joined Baringa in 2016 and now helps client, especially government departments and energy companies to harness technology in pursuit of their business goals. 

Richard designs the system architecture and strategy needed for large scale, complex digital transformation programmes. Technology touches every aspect of modern businesses, so Richard maps his client’s business in detail, and then decides how to organise and leverage technology to improve performance. Beyond masterminding the IT architecture, Richard knows that clear plans for people and processes lie behind any successful technology transformation programme. So he’ll create and implement new governance structures to ensure that daily users and consumers buy into and feel part of the transformation journey.

Richard relishes getting to grips with the toughest challenges his clients bring him. He thrives on collaboration and getting to the bottom of complex problems. Richard puts people at the heart of his programmes, recognising that without knowing the needs and frustrations of people using technology within a business, any transformation programme will struggle. He’ll listen, ask questions, and challenge clients, helping them understand the trade-offs that might be needed to deliver the right results. He brings pragmatism and balance to his designs, weighing up how to derive the greatest benefits for clients from the projects he runs. 

Richard lives in the countryside in Sussex with his wife and family. An outdoorsy type, he loves getting out on his bike to ride chunks of the South Downs Way or taking the family dog for a walk in the woods, dragging his children along when he can! Further afield, he loves the sea and sailing, and has tackled tough hikes all over the world with his wife.

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