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"I’m passionate about providing specialist advice to government to help optimise service delivery, engagement and accountability, particularly for the most vulnerable in our society."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Government and public sector

Job in another life
Marine biologist or gardener

In detail:

Veronica loves nothing more than getting stuck into a challenge, particularly those which make a difference to people’s lives.  She enjoyed reading dusty tomes at university – the adventures of Aeneas, the histories of Herodotus and the odes of Ovid - but when she left university it was the Philosophy of Ethics, Aristotle and a sense of duty that had the biggest impact on where she was headed.

Veronica began her consulting career at Deloitte in London working on global public and private sector projects. Seeking a more immediate way of making a difference, she retrained as a criminal defence barrister, subsequently acting on behalf of the UK government for the Government Legal Department when her children came along. 

Half-Australian by birth, Veronica moved with her family to Sydney in 2017. Committed to making an difference at enterprise level, she returned to Deloitte to build a government consulting practice - and qualified as an NSW solicitor.  

As a Partner in Baringa’s government sector team in Australia, she now provides expertise across government and the public sector, specialising in the justice ecosystem and integrity agencies.  She leads large-scale operational and tech transformation across the value chain, from strategy and business case development to operating model design, process improvement and assurance.   Veronica is at her best when she’s interacting with stakeholders at all levels, collaborating with decision-makers and teams for the most practical solutions to some of our most intractable challenges. 

Veronica is also the Chair of the Board of Take2, an organisation dedicated to the rehabilitation of offenders, and is a board member of FAMS, the peak body in NSW for vulnerable children which represents the child protection and early intervention NGO sector.

Veronica lives in Sydney with her husband and two children.  On the weekend she loves ocean swimming, cooking and having a laugh with her kids. 

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