Architecting Loyalty in Financial Services
How to build a transformative FS architecture
Retail Change
My customers have gone digital - what now?
Commercial transformation: range planning checklist
Trading team optimisation: time to add value
Thinking like a customer: the path to retail success
Infographic: Equipping trading teams to thrive
Webinar: What are the latest advances that retailers are making in digital engagement?
Achieving the benefits of a multi-brand product portfolio
Climate Change and Sustainability
Climate Risk Consulting
Managing ESG risks
The Rewards of Resilience - White Paper
Base Case Climate Scenario
The rewards of resilience
2022 Climate Disclosures
Embedding climate risk and net zero concepts
Evolving climate change expectations
Implementing your climate programme: the five things you need to get right
Decarbonising heat
Sustainability commitments and Front Office incentives
Baringa and iCI’s webinar series
Australia's real estate transition
The evolving role of Chief Financial Officers
Maintaining credibility in the sustainability-linked loan market
Building the business case for investing in energy efficiency for real estate
Unlocking transition finance without unleashing greenwashing
Why banks need to prioritise sustainability training
Credible climate disclosure programme
The great balancing act for superannuation funds
Maximising return on investment from climate scenario analysis
Navigating the transition
International regulation: A lead indicator for Australia
CSRD and TPT synergies to future-proof business strategies
ESG and Sustainability in Financial Services
TNFD: Are you prepared for biodiversity reporting?
Path to net zero opportunities
Moving from intent to net zero action
How do we finance the transition to a net zero economy?
The Financial Services challenge: achieving net zero while funding the real economy
Net zero transition plans requirement could revolutionise sustainable finance
Net zero demands a new operating model for banks
How can Financial Services and investors support the transition?
Can bankers help save the planet?
What does net zero mean to financial services?
As Australia commits to net zero, financial services can be a force for positive change
Opportunities in the US real estate transition
Financial Services Climate & Sustainability Trailblazers Podcast
Approaches to transition finance
Strategies to achieve real world decarbonisation with the ILN
Decarbonisation best practice with Brookfield
Purpose, profit and ESG
Sustainable finance: learnings from Guernsey
Sustainability strategy and disclosure landscape with Goldman Sachs
Greening the built environment
Women's financial inclusion: making sure no one gets left behind
Transparency in sustainable finance: it's more than a tick box exercise
Permission to Transition: Enabling a ‘just’ and society led transition
The importance of purpose in meeting ESG goals
Using capital markets to drive sustainable outcomes
How prepared are you as an insurer for net zero target setting?
Overcoming greenhushing: greenwashing risks in sustainability-linked loans
Preparing for CSRD: key steps and challenges for wealth and asset managers
2025 climate and sustainability outlook
How to go beyond TCFD compliance to meet the proposed SEC requirements for climate reporting
Insights into the climate vulnerability assessment
A deeper understanding of your clients' transition plans can create commercial benefits
Baringa's Climate Change Scenario Model
5 questions boards should ask to navigate the US climate change regulatory landscape
Temperature Alignment is the right framework for identifying climate champions
Sustainability-linked finance has a transparency problem
6 tips for the FRB's climate scenario analysis
Building your climate capabilities: an urgent priority for banks
How can financial services recognise and help with societal financial trade-offs?
What does the Inflation Reduction Act mean for companies transitioning to sustainable business models?
The six key challenges of building your ESG capability – you’re not starting from zero
How will large US banks deliver on their climate commitments?
Permission to Transition: Enabling a ‘just’ and society led transition
Common pitfalls when creating ESG & Sustainability strategies
How should the C-suite respond to the APRA guidance on managing the financial risks of climate change?
Permission to Transition: ESG considerations to achieve net zero
Webinar: Navigating global climate change
Interpreting carbon pricing will help you understand the transition to low carbon
How to embed an enduring approach to Climate Risk and Stress Testing
TCFD sharpens its approach?
To avoid greenwashing and drive real change, US firms need to go beyond the SEC’s proposals
Avoid greenwashing by creating transparency
Has the Climate Finance dawn arrived?
What's driving climate action in the US financial services industry?
ECB Climate Change Stress Test: six key learnings for financial institutions
Measuring progress with purpose: a better approach to ESG data
It's time for finance to turn its efforts to the biodiversity crisis
Can Purpose help financial institutions meet their environmental and social goals?
Transition Finance – It’s not enough to just invest in green
All Insights
ESG Report & Analysis on Mid-Tier US Banks
COP28 and NYC Climate Week
US Treasury’s principles for net zero financing and investment
Baringa’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Scope 3 playbook
The challenges of ESG integration
Inter-agency climate risk management principles
Baringa at COP28
Australia's mandatory climate disclosures
2024 IFRS Sustainability Symposium
Australia's credible climate disclosures
Future Blue Economies
Quantifying nature's success
Four key themes from climate week
Consumer Duty
Consumer Duty: What’s next? Five focus areas for the months ahead
Why the Consumer Duty will empower firms to combat greenwashing
Turning compliance into competitive advantage: how to move up the Consumer Duty maturity curve
Essentials for Consumer Duty implementation
Good outcomes: gearing up for the new consumer duty
Good Outcomes
The first big test: get set for the board submissions in October
Consumer Duty: getting implementation on track
Building an intentional, measurable and outcome-focused culture
De-risking Risk
How superfund CROs navigate AI
AI risk management
The importance of culture for risk management
Staying the course: strategies for managing intra-day liquidity
Steering the right course: Four steps to building a firmer risk framework
Steering your risk management in the right direction
How financial services firms can better prepare for emerging risks
Why organisational culture could be your biggest risk management blind spot
Add a little “Red Bull” to your risk management
Tackling your emerging risks
Why banks fail
Four steps to comply with the updated BCBS239 regulations
The refinancing cliff: what it is, how it affects you, and how to survive it
How lenders can scale the refinancing cliff
When risks converge, do you know how your financial dominoes will play out?
Modernising your 3LOD and risk culture
Digital and AI
All content
Digital Energy Transition
Series hub template
Digital transformation and decarbonisation
Powering the energy industry’s green future
Digital supply chains driving resilience
Digital Energy Transition round table
Digitalisierung im Rahmen der Energiewende für Verteilnetzbetreiber
How can digital and data sharing help deliver the energy transition?
Intelligent asset management as part of the digital energy transition
Accelerating the energy transition with digital innovation
Mit digitalen Innovationen die Energiewende beschleunigen
Insight title (under 100 characters)
Virtual power plant report
Nachhaltige Prozess-Exzellenz
Künstliche Intelligenz – Schlüsselfaktor für exzellente Prozesse
Digital Financial Services
Reimagine Financial Services Leadership Dialogues
Leadership Dialogues: Cloud and new business models
Leadership Dialogues: Controls and surveillance
Leadership Dialogues: Perspectives from a VC firm
Leadership Dialogues: Data management and workflow solutions
Leadership Dialogues: Innovation and productivity through automation, AI and analytics
Leadership Dialogues: Liquidity management
The rise of the retail trader
Universal bank of the future
The changing world of asset management
A guide to financial services channel strategy success
The blueprint for the future of open banking
Can payments really play a role in creating a differentiated and distinctive customer experience?
Reimagining ESG: incentivising sustainable supply chains
ISO 20022: a new language, for better payments
Harnessing the Ecosystem
From bricks & mortar to contact centre 2.0
Embedding payments
Combining technology and human touch to get closer to customers
Reimagine booking model controls
Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Cyber incident management: is your firm ready?
Your roadmap for DORA day one compliance
What's next for DORA?
Turn DORA compliance into advantage
DORA: Five actions you must take
DORA: What you need to know
DORA: Your questions, answered
Economics of Kindness
People – planet – profit
Why being community-focused is essential for survival
Redefining kindness in the workplace
Building brands through kindness
Consumers confirm: kindness pays
Building brands through kindness
Kindness can help you make decisions
Clarity and self-accountability: The cornerstones of kind leadership
The bank of goodwill
Kinship fuels growth
Firms considered “kind” are more likely to be successful
Bringing kindness back to the top of the leadership agenda
How to balance kindness and profitability
The challenges of being a kind leader
Investing in kindness
Why corporate kindness makes good business sense
Kind business leaders
Making space and time for kindness
People are your greatest asset
Being a kind leader in times of uncertainty and transformation
Does kindness have a place in modern economics?
It’s the kind companies that attract the investment
Kindness should be table stakes for organisations
The value of low-ego leadership
It’s not easy to be a kind leader
Governing with kindness
Our journey
Contact us
Share your thoughts
Reducing Financial Crime
Typify™ - financial crime typologies identified
Top 10 financial crime risks 2022
Screening customers efficiently
Reshaping financial crime measures across retail banking
Fit-for-purpose transaction monitoring: tackling financial crime head on
Customer screening: cutting through worthless alerts to get to what really matters
Customer screening: watch list optimisation
Customer screening: challenges and potential solutions
Typify™ - more accurately detecting Financial Crime
An introduction to Typify™
Bringing the industry together to support customers
Navigating financial vulnerability across the UK
Britain’s poorest face doubling of debt to energy suppliers
A person-centred approach to financial vulnerability
Millions at risk of financial vulnerability
Bringing the industry together to support customers
Britain’s vulnerable working population in 2022
Financial Vulnerability: how to be part of the solution
Financial vulnerability – industry insights
Future-Proofing Payments
Reflections on the UK's National Payments Vision
Maximising the value of your payments function
Reimagining the payments function
Tokenisation - the next big thing?
Payment innovations: where should you invest?
Navigating payments innovation
Reflections on the Future of Payments Review
Regulated Liability Network: the future of the UK market
A guide to operationalising your payments modernisation journey
Is your payments architecture fit for the future?
Payments modernisation in financial services
Modernising payments architecture
Insights from Sibos 2023
Payments in Web 3
Customer-centric culture needed to future proof payments ecosystem
Variable recurring payments
UK payments outlook: the five trends to look out for
Meet the payments leader of the future
Bank payments operating models
Low Carbon Capital
Assessing and reporting on climate risks for the oil & gas market
Poland's upcoming renewable energy auctions
PPA - time to market: common hurdles and best practice
It's time for Back Office departments to become 'excellent'
Baringa supports R.Power Renewables on investment of €150 million by Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund (3SIIF)
Baringa congratulates Amarenco on financing of a 105 MW battery storage asset in the French market
Baringa congratulates EDF Renewables and Maple Power
Australia's offshore wind industry
The Japanese Government's reforms to energy policy
The European power market: key trends in Europe
The Corporate Catalyst
Australia storage CIS tenders
South Korea's evolving energy market
Renewables Market Scanning Report
Renewables Market Scanning Report
Power Purchase Agreements (PPA): how is trading responding to the evolving PPA market?
Renewable tariffs in the UK: what makes a tariff green?
The future cost of wholesale energy
A deep-dive into the rising cost of seabed leases
Australia Wholesale Electricity Market developments
Evolution of the cPPA market in Europe
Securing access to critical minerals for the energy transition
India's power market developments
Financing the energy transition in a volatile market
Low Carbon Futures
10 Outcomes from COP26
COP26 Outcomes #10: Post COP legacy
COP26 Outcomes #9: Unblocking investment
COP26 Outcomes #7: Global systems thinking
COP26 Outcomes #6: Integrity of change (greenwashing)
COP26 Outcomes #4: Managing climate risk
COP26 Outcomes #3: Just transition commitments
COP26 Outcomes #2: Further global commitments
COP26 Outcomes #1: From strategy to action
2040 global gas market outlook
7 steps for a successful emissions measurement and reporting strategy
A tipping point: will the gas crisis accelerate the UK's transition to electric heating?
Achieving net zero: how far we've come
After COP26, what next for the oil and gas industry?
All eyes on Washington - Biden's climate commitments won't move the US beyond 'blah' until his Build Back Better bill passes Congress
Low Carbon Futures Insights
An introduction to the push for carbon neutrality in liquefied natural gas shipping
As Germany accelerates its journey towards net zero, what are the risks and opportunities for market participants?
Asia’s power markets: Poised for investment
Asian LNG markets
Australia's Revised National Energy Objectives
Baringa's Energy Innovators podcast series
Digitalisation of generation behind the meter
AI and the energy transition
Podcast Template
S2 E4 Data and Digital Energy Transition
Low carbon thermal generation
S2 E7 – Corporate Catalyst
S2 E8 – How ‘Energy-as-a-Service’ models unlock commercial decarbonisation
How to scale home decarbonisation
Bridging the energy investment gap to net zero
Building a reliable net zero transition plan
Green hydrogen competitiveness
Opportunities in APAC's energy and commodity transition
Cleantech Homes: Healthier Living, Lower Bills
Climate on the ballot: The stakes of the upcoming U.S. elections
Collaborate to innovate
Commercial and debt outcomes
Commercial fleet electrification
Cop 26: How will Australia gain from net zero?
COP26 outcomes for the energy sector
Cost benefit assessment of Australia's future Distribution System Operator (DSO) frameworks
Credibility & durability: China outlook
Credibility & durability: EU outlook
Credibility & durability: India outlook
Credibility & durability: US outlook
Data-driven decarbonisation
De-coupling from Russian gas: German industry begins to adapt
Decarbonisation: heat pumps in the home
Decarbonising how we heat our homes: yesterday's budget kicked off the journey
Decarbonising the power generation sector in Vietnam - video
Delivery options for new nuclear power in Sweden
Driving UK decarbonisation in a new policy era
Electric vehicles
Embedding emissions measurement and reporting in your operating model
Emerging DSO market models across the globe: no regrets investments in times of uncertainty
Enabling the roll-out of on-street charging infrastructure
Navigating the digital energy transition
Energy transition to net zero
Energy transition to net zero: the state of global energy markets and investments
Power Purchase Agreements
European power market outlook 2024
Failure to supply - what's next for the energy suppliers?
Five steps to attracting capital for heat networks
Five takeaways from the UK's first hydrogen allocation round
Five things we’ve learned from speaking at hydrogen conferences around the world
Fleet electrification is about more than just the vehicles
Floating offshore wind
Electric vehicles to building retrofits
Future operating models for energy retailers
Gaining access to distributed flexibility
Global Energy Perspectives Webinar - state of the energy transition
Global Energy Perspectives: Europe power market review: 2022
Glossary of Climate Change jargon and policies
Green homes and net zero - the industry's response
Green homes: the new centre of residential energy services
Heat & Buildings Strategy – lacking vision or a call to action for industry?
Heat decarbonisation
How ‘Energy-as-a-Service’ models unlock commercial decarbonisation
Capitalising on the hydrogen export opportunity from East-Asian markets
Australian mandatory climate disclosures
How to maximise participation success and future income in the upcoming Polish renewable auctions
How trading organisations can get their digital strategies right
Is the UK EV transition stuck in neutral?
Kickstarting Sweden’s hydrogen ecosystem: lessons from Europe
Australia’s ageing coal and summer blackouts
European power markets
Quantifying the business case impacts of REMA
Texas: hydrogen export powerhouse
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series - Texas: the hydrogen export powerhouse of the future
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series: The challenge of European gas supply security in 2023
Renewables and REMA
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series: European power markets
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series: Renewable energy auctions
Winter supply security webinar
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series: Green homes webinar
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series: Green homes - exploring the challenges of greening homes
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series: Onshore wind in the Nordics
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series: Offshore wind in Central Europe
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series: Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)
Low Carbon Futures Webinar Series: Renewables in Spain
Low carbon heating for homes
Making emissions management part of operational management
Modelling of the upcoming Polish renewable auctions in 2021 & future CfD incomes
Navigating sustainable retrofit in real estate
Opening up options for network operators
Operationalising a Carbon Regulator
Opportunities for hydrogen to transition to net zero emissions
Opportunities for traders in carbon markets
Our commentary on COP26
Ireland market and policy studies
Store, respond and save
Ireland renewable electricity vision
Ireland zero-carbon electricity plan
Protecting consumers
Consumer benefits of Grid-Interactive UPS
Cutting Carbon, Cutting Bills
Game changer: how energy storage is the key to a secure, sustainable, clean energy future in Ireland
Wind for a Euro
Zero-carbon power grid
Achieving zero
Corporate PPA policy in Ireland
Green Data: a vision for sustainable data centres in Ireland
Renewable Rewards
The wind dividend: how wind energy pays back to Northern Ireland
How renewable energy helps Irish electricity consumers
EU's regulation on deforestation-free products
Project CASCDE
Rapid-charging EV infrastructure: on the cusp of the investment opportunity
REMA and the route to net zero
Renewables in the Nordics: 5 major trends
Retail energy suppliers - a way forward?
SAAS Operating Models: empowerment without guardrails is chaos
SaaS Operating Models
Smart Water Metering
State of climate reporting
Texas: the Hydrogen Export Powerhouse of the future
The challenge of European gas supply in 2023
The EU Delegated Act on hydrogen has arrived…
The geopolitics of hydrogen - a new world order
The geopolitics of hydrogen
The Great British Retrofit
The hydrogen investment challenge
The impact of Covid-19 on the electrification of transport: a UK perspective
The impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on global gas markets, placing LNG in the spotlight for 2022
The innovations we need to combat climate change are already here. So why isn't more progress being made?
The journey to net zero: why this is more than just EMR 2.0
The path to decarbonising the power generation sector in the Philippines - a deep dive
The rise and fall of energy suppliers
The role of digital technology in the energy transition
The role of the state in the Great British energy market
Maximising value from your next-gen ERP upgrade
Trading clean hydrogen: How will the market evolve?
Trading insights
How can the UK achieve a net zero power sector?
Beyond Borders
US offshore wind – the year ahead
US offshore wind – what to expect for the year ahead
What are the biggest challenges for oil and gas going forward?
What could the state’s role be in shared infrastructure for low-carbon heat?
What do the commitments made by Japan and Vietnam at COP26 signal for investors?
The impact of Australia's carbon policy
Water: learning from the smart energy meter rollout
Southeast Asia interconnectors
What will it take to decarbonise Japan's power generation sector?
Who's playing good COP and bad COP at COP26?
Why businesses need a data-driven decarbonisation strategy before they set emission reduction targets.
Zukünftige Betriebsmodelle für Energieversorger
Developing Agility
The agility paradox
Organisational agility: a guide to taking the first steps
Improving individual agility
Experimentation is the key to unlocking business agility
Operational optimisation: the culture key
Data delivery: don't go chasing waterfalls
The need for agility to grow revenue and thrive
How to set targets that drive major improvements in business performance: a leader's guide to target setting
How frozen organisations can become fluid
Ruthless prioritisation
Patient-Centric Biopharma Transformation
Embracing patients as partners
Patient diversity
Omnichannel customer experiences
Embedding patient centricity
Transforming engagement
Public Sector Productivity
Boosting productivity in UK public service digital transformations
From engagement to improvement
How to create inspiring leaders in government
Departments must not obsess over ‘input measures’
Tackling the NHS productivity puzzle
Rethinking failure demand in UK Public Services
Harnessing data in Government
Leading with purpose
Automation and civil service leaders
A productive conversation about productivity – what’s next for the NHS?
How can the new Government ensure value for money?
Five AI pitfalls for governments
Using AI to save hundreds of hours capacity
How can public services translate tech investment into productivity?
People power
Baringa Matrix of Health Productivity
Rights and Royalties
Mapping fan experiences to capabilities
Creators at the core
Talkin' bout a rights and royalties revolution
Rights and royalties capability is key to success
Building networks in the telco industry
Turbocharging the supply chain
A tipping point for telco cyber security
Lessons from other sectors for network operators
Networks capability in telcos
The Power of Partnerships in Pharma
Strategies for outsourcing success in pharma
Strategic partnerships in R&D
Digital and AI pharma partnerships
How powerful partnerships can unlock digital health innovation
Web 3
Solving the KYC dilemma with Web 3
Blockchain opportunities for treasury
The role of regulators in accelerating Web 3 innovation
Is Web 3 the future of payments?
Webinar: What is Web 3 – and how is it impacting financial services?
The unanswered questions on Web 3
Glossary of Web 3 terms and acronyms
The transformative power of Web 3 for investment banks
Why Web 3 is too important for insurers to ignore
Why NFTs are here to stay
The evolution of distributed ledger technology (DLT) in financial services
Web 3: the star of Money 20/20
Web 3 is transforming the financial services industry globally
Sustainable value chains
Consumer Products and Retail
Baringa's sustainable store proposition insights
How to embed sustainability through your organisation
Making the LEAP
Consumer Products and Retail Reports
Six questions to address with the CDP plastic-related reporting
Sustainable procurement: unlocking the power of your suppliers
Making sustainable choices easier for consumers
The rise of flexible warehousing: part II
The rise of flexible warehousing: part I
Covid-19: insights at pace - do you have the insights you need to manage your business through this crisis?
Deposit Return Scheme – are you ready for it?
Sleep is serious business
Lead to cash. Is your sales process fit for purpose?
Procurement Matters Podcast
Procurement Matters podcast: Episode 1 - Why procurement matters
Procurement Matters podcast: Episode 2 - Buying for the planet
Procurement Matters podcast: Episode 3 - Learnings from the Pandemic
Looking at value differently
Unleashing GenAI on procurement
Energy and Resources
Webinar: Private Equity Outlook – The big trends of FY24
Flexcon 2024
Thank you
E-World 2025
Commodities and Energy Trading
Will natural gas enable or impede the energy transition?
As organisations face greater price volatility than ever, how should they manage energy trading risk?
Do risk management frameworks need enhancements to better account for tail risks?
How to manage margining risk in a highly volatile environment
Driving value from PPA contracts
Evolving liquidity risk management
Redesigning trader incentives to secure better returns in volatile energy markets
Opportunities for energy investors
Trending areas of focus for LME members
Maximising value through robust model risk management
Unveiling the cost of capital
Complexities and challenges of LNG trading
AI commodity trading
Energy Networks
Energy Retail
Low Carbon Solutions
Emissions management risks and opportunities
Measuring emissions
Emissions measurement and reporting
Steel decarbonisation
Unpacking the IPCC's AR6 Synthesis Report
State of the energy transition: US midterm election special - states at risk of rollback
District heating: the case for regulation
Global Energy Perspectives Live: Is the energy transition in Europe at risk and how do we respond?
Financial Times Energy Transition Summit
Global Energy Perspectives Webinar - Hydrogen
Global Energy Perspectives: State of the energy transition
In the run up to COP27, what next for the oil and gas industry?
Renewables in Southern Europe
Mining and Natural Resources
Powering a more sustainable future
How can mining secure supply and investment to meet the materials boom?
Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals
Baringa discusses the role of LNG in the energy transition at the Financial Times Commodities Asia Summit in Singapore
Implementing SAP S/4HANA: considerations for energy companies
Digital twins - a clear vision for oil and gas transition
Power and Renewables
Energy and Resources Newsletter
Reflections on COP27 Water Day
Carbon Emissions Management
Policy, Regulation and Economics
Power Market Projections
Power Market Projections Enquiries
Australia NEM: Wholesale electricity market report
Belgium: Wholesale electricity market report
Bulgaria: Wholesale electricity market report
Europe: Ancillary services market report
Europe: Guarantees of Origin market report
France: Wholesale electricity market report
Germany: Wholesale electricity market report
Great Britain: Battery market report
Great Britain: Distributed energy market report
Great Britain: Wholesale electricity market report
Hungary: Wholesale electricity market report
Ireland: Battery market report
Ireland: Dispatch down market report
Ireland: Wholesale electricity market report
Italy: Wholesale electricity market report
Japan: Wholesale electricity market report
Japan: Battery market report
Malaysia: Wholesale electricity market report
Netherlands: Wholesale electricity market report
Nordics: Wholesale electricity market report
Poland: Wholesale electricity market report
Portugal: Wholesale electricity market report
Romania: Wholesale electricity market report
Spain: Wholesale electricity market report
United States: Wholesale electricity market report
Vietnam: Wholesale electricity market report
Australia NEM: Flexibility Market Report
India: Wholesale electricity market report
Australian NEM Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Market Report
South Korea: Wholesale electricity market report
Taiwan: Wholesale electricity market report
Philippines: Wholesale electricity market report
Singapore: Wholesale electricity market report
Australia WEM: Wholesale electricity market report
Gas and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Financial Services
Banking Capital Markets
Richer data poised to become the pre-condition for cross-border payments to thrive
UK rolls out Consumer Duty plans
As Consumer Duty looms, over 38 million UK adults don’t understand financial T&Cs
How financial services firms are shaping the real economy
How payment service firms can improve control effectiveness and resource efficiency
Drive sustainable cost transformation, while delivering growth
How Australian banks can improve their approach to scams
Part 3: Exploring the lending gender bias - the role of Venture Capital
Baringa 2020 CASS Insight Survey - final report
The financial services sector must get 'fit for the future' now or risk becoming extinct
Adopting cross-industry resilience practices; a guide for financial services
Cross border licensing risk – it’s about more than just Brexit
What can we learn from the RPA projects that have not been as successful as they set out to be?
FCA update on CASS - EU withdrawal and the temporary permissions regime
Risk management tools
Booking model controls
Finance, Risk and Compliance
Navigating CPS 230
Navigating FAR
The FAR: Frequently asked questions
PRA’s 2024 mandate
2023 CASS insight survey
AI regulation - EU vs UK horizon
Generative AI: tactical solutions
FCA Skilled Person Reviews (s166)
Digital risk transformation: the three Vs of a successful risk management strategy
What do consumers want from insurers?
London Market Data Survey
Climate Risk and the London Market: why it's important to care
Baringa Partners’ Biennial London Market Survey
Covid-19: insurance product governance and value for money
InsurTech – how to make it work.
Long Term Savings and Investments
UK Wealth and Retirement Market Study
Deep dive: credibility on the line
2021 CASS insight survey
Covid-19 does not relieve senior managers from their SMCR obligations
Customer screening
London Market Underwriting Survey 2019 Report
Now or never? Why transform your 'Procurement' now?
Baringa’s Operational Resilience Assessment Framework
FS in Focus: The impact of 2024's elections
FS in Focus: The US banking crisis one year on
What Labour’s general election win means for UK financial services
Government and Public Sector
Baringa helps land top supply chain awards for Covid vaccine rollout
Unlocking the backlog burden
The power of ‘Yes’
Mind the execution gap
Making data an ally to project delivery decision-making
Unlocking a more effective public sector
Don’t dismiss dialogue
What can the civil service expect from a new administration?
Delivering citizen impact and value for money
Securing success: A practical guide to SR25 and beyond
Embracing a ‘people first’ approach to the upcoming Procurement Act
Central Government
Learning from crisis: How to embed mission-led government
Why collaboration is key to “greening” aviation
Cutting flights to meet net zero
New horizons: The case for public sector drone investment
Police, Justice and Public Bodies
Building commercial capacity in government
Responsible AI: implications for governments
Solving the public sector productivity puzzle
5 levers for economic growth
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences
Data and AI for pharmaceutical and life sciences success
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences Reports
Scaling patient engagement across R&D
The NHS Covid-19 vaccine supply chain delivers a 'shot in the arm' for the UK
Technology, Media and Telecoms
The AI revolution
Sustainability leadership in Telco
Delivering impact for sustainability leaders
Looking ahead in media
2022: A year in media
Have we reached peak net-zero?
Value left on the table with circularity. Could an insetting revolution be the answer?
Navigating mergers and acquisitions
Factors for MVNO success: target your market
Technology, Media and Telecoms Reports
Online Safety Act
Artificial Intelligence
Scaling Gen AI
Establishing actionable AI Governance
Unlock AI's value with RAG system architecture
CFO Advisory
Climate Change
Business Transformation
Maintain momentum in multi-year transformation programmes
Supporting management teams in large transformation programmes
Eight steps to transformation success
Leading successful transformation
Operations Organisation Transformation
Transformation with purpose
Delivering organisational design in TMT
Workplace flexibility as competitive advantage
Cloud and Platforms
Why financial services must embrace a new architecture
Data and AI
Scaling AI: Beyond the first steps to true enterprise transformation
Talent and Culture
Supply Chain Procurement
UK renewables deployment supply chain readiness study
#buildbackbetter: the post-Covid supply chain of the future
How will COP29 impact your business?
Putting IT at the heart of sustainability
Cyber security – what should your focus be on next?
Staying ahead of the competition in the IT skills crunch
Transaction Advisory
Enterprise Value Creation
Can kindness and value creation go hand in hand?
Get the most from your in-house Salesforce teams
How Salesforce Einstein GPT gives you the edge in customer support
Enterprise value: unlocking energy and innovation
Expand your value horizons
What does a slowdown in corporate profitability mean for your business?
Digital Strategy and Business Models
Customer and Digital
Digital Risk and Cyber Security
Playing it safe is no longer an option for CISOs
Our People
Putting People First
Meet Our People
Rhiannon Evans, Government, UK, describes her role at Baringa
Amy Breckell, Government, UK, describes her role at Baringa
Dana Manwaring, Resources Transition, UK, describes her role at Baringa
Kitso Masendu, Technology Transformation, UK, describes his role at Baringa
James Ainsley, Government, UK, describes his role at Baringa
Shreeya Parulekar, Government, UK, describes her role at Baringa
Kassandra Byaruhanga, Resources Transition, UK, describes her role at Baringa
Rukudzo Matiza, Operations and Organisational Transformation, UK, describes his role at Baringa
Jon Woad, Government, UK, describes his role at Baringa
Jeffrey Hartigan
Abdi Azimi
Adam Brocklesby
Adam Dabrowski
Adele Turner
Our Managing Partner
Alasdair Dorrat
Alex Spencer
Alexis Storey
Andrew Dillon
Andrew Wilkie
Andrey Shutov
Andy Brindle
Andy Singleton
Andy Way
Anna Orriss-Baxter
Anne Bailey
Anne-Laure Mersier
Anya Davis
Artur Lenkowski
Becks Grainger
Ben Matthews
Ben Monks
Ben Morgan
Ben Reid
Bernice McNaught
Brad O'Brien
Bruce Laing
Brynne Parker
Caroline Theodore
Caspian Conran
Cat Morris
Catherine Walker
Chetan Chhatwal
Chris Maxted
Chris Nott
Chris Walker
Chris Walters
Christian Dose
Christian von Hammerstein
Christine Frendo
Christophe Kasolowsky
Cindra Maharaj
Connor Lattimer
Dan Nicholson
Daniel Golding
Danny Lin
Darren Yong
Darshan Grover
Dave Harris
David FitzGerald
David Hatcher
David Kane
David McGibbon
David Shepheard
David Stewart
Dharmesh Jadavji
Duncan Sinclair
Ed Sharkey
Edward Tregurtha
Elana Schrank
Eleanor Taylor
Elizabeth van der Heijden
Ellen Fraser
Ellie Wilkes
Emily Farrimond
Emma Pace
Eric Dombrowski
Fabian Schulz
Francesca Tedeschi
Gareth Lavery
Gavin Hall
Gavin O'Rourke
George Kallarackal
Gerardo Fernández
Graeme Swan
Grant Donald
Grazzia Horn
Greg Pastore
Guy Dent
Guy Munton
Hannah Klein
Hannah Simmonds
Harry Taylor
Helen Moss
Henning Bottger
Henry Holms
Hugh Greene
Iain Roberts
Isabel Scott-Skinner
James Ainsley
James Belmont
James Beverley
James Bridgeman
James Colbert
James Cooper
James Hampshire
James Piggott
Jamie Ayers
Jeffrey Hartigan
Jessica Van Droogenbroeck
Jo Waterhouse
Jochen Herrmann
Joe Abbott
Joe Catarella
Joe Selwyn
Joel Toms
John Calder
John Petevinos
John Thompson
John van Wyk
Jon Roberts
Josh Elliott
Kate Moss
Katharine Henley
Katharine Williams
Katrin Behte
Katy Mirzaie
Kavian Brown
Kelly Bommers
Kelly Hume
Ken Menton
Laura Higgins
Laura McKim
Laura Menzies
Laveshni Reddy
Lewis Heather
Liam Collins
Linda Cardillo
Lisa Maxwell
Lisa Murphy
Louise Macdonald
Lucy Larkin
Mandeep Gill
Mansi Patel
Marcel Volkerts
Maria Lawson
Mark McLeary
Matt Adams
Matt Britton
Matt Jones
Matt Papachristou
Maureen O’Shea
Melissa Bailey
Full name
Michael Lee
Michiel Dorresteijn
Mike Wilks
Molly Iliffe
Natalie Ostrovska
Nichola Plower
Nick Forrest
Nick Tallantyre
Oliver Rix
Orla Keady
Patrick Swinburne
Patrick Winters
Paul Costa
Paul Mihajlovic
Paul Wildman
Pavlos Trichakis
Peter Sherry
Phil Goulstone
Phil Grant
Priya Sreedher
Przemek Luczynski
Ralf Kurtz
Ralph Behrendt
Rhiannon Evans
Richard Jones
Richard Sudlow
Rigel Pereira
Rob Gilbert
Rob Maguire
Robin Cooper
Robyn Turl
Roxanne D'Souza
Roy Jubraj
Ryan Bohn
Ryan Thomson
Salina Ladha
Sam Shires
Sam Sierwald
Sarah Ashley
Sarah Goodacre
Sarah Owen-Vandersluis
Sarah Smith
Shamil Shah
Shane Heffernan
Silas O'Dea
Simon Connell
Simon Gray
Sophie Cooke
Stephen Humphreys
Steve Shelton
Stuart Cook
Stuart Mullany
Stuart Whaites
Tandon Oberoi
Tilly Thomas
Tom Patience
Tom Roberts
Tom Schneider
Vanessa Clark
Veronica Goudie
Veronika Strausova
Victoria Butterworth
Victoria Panou
Zhen-Hui Eng
Zoe Young
Values and Culture
Adrian Bettridge on culture and core values
Baringa wins Women of the Future Award 2020
Baringa Germany recognised as one of the 2021 Best Workplaces in Europe by Great Place to Work
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Cultural pioneers: how two black women are changing Baringa’s future
Diversity and inclusion: personal journeys
Black History Month – what it means to me
The value of support systems
Driving progress with passion
Inclusion & diversity: looking back, thinking forwards
Creating change, one story at a time
I’m constantly swimming against the tide
Faith is often the forgotten diversity and inclusion lens
ADHD: seeing the same things, differently
There is beauty in being different
Remembering Grenfell: you are good enough
Mental wellbeing: keeping the container from overflowing
Don’t fit in, stand out
Being diverse in our inclusivity
There's no one way to get to Baringa
A career of making up fictitious ‘boyfriends’
Reverse mentoring: turning Diversity and Inclusion on its head
An outsider’s insights
Freedom of expression leads to freedom of mind
Why I am talking to white people about race
Diversity and inclusion: staying true to who we are
Black hair - an indicator of success?
Baringa’s commitment to anti-racism
What it means to be Indo-Caribbean growing up in Britain
International Women's Day
Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2021
The importance of authenticity at work
Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2022
2023 UK Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: an imperative in 2023
My journey as a black woman in consulting
Rewriting the Code
The right cheerleaders at the right levels
Aspiring to be me, not one of many
Hiring people, not profiles
Faith, female and ethnic minority
A unique voice in Leadership
Unmasking autistic authenticity
Bringing my whole self to work
From fitting in to standing out
No longer hiding my background
Creating flex to cross cultural divides
Curating who I wasn’t to fit in
Boundaries to protect myself and the way I work
EA Things Blog series
New Year, New Job!
A day in the life of Lottie and why I love being an EA at Baringa
Merry Christmas: Reflections & Thank you
Transforming your professional and personal growth through ‘Growth mindset’
Three things EAs should do to take their careers into their own hands
I'm coming out
Understanding your inner self – what makes YOU a happier ‘you’?
Our journey into a management role
Navigating your family and your career
Ways of working
How therapy helped me
Networking – Why do you need it?
Happy Independence Day!
The rise of CSR in the working world
Menopause: the hot new topic in the workplace
EA: Is it only a role for feMALES?
Valentine’s Day special: Why I love being an EA
Bringing your faith to work
Life with neurodiverse children
The impact of our operational support team
‘Twas the night before Christmas: a Baringa Executive Assistant's tale
Contact a member of our team
Our Impact
Our Client Promise
The rise of the COO podcast
Owning the net zero challenge
Mastering the modern COO role
Workforce of the future
Baringa’s Ubuntu offering
Transformation Leaders Network event
Baringa's Client EA Network
Join Baringa's Client Network
Client Stories
Accelerating VMO2’s £5bn fibre roll-out
Aligning global operations for improved patient advocacy and engagement
Transforming B2B sales with a data-driven GTM strategy
And then there was one: helping two insurance firms join forces
Major government department
Building a “best in class” complaints process
Building an offshore lending operation from scratch in Bangalore
Building climate risk into every bit of a bank’s business
Strategic outcomes for a global oil and gas business
Building the UK’s critical Covid-19 Test & Trace infrastructure
Building climate risk modelling software
Capitalising on emerging opportunities for the world’s leading music company
Future proofing Australia's water resources
Salesforce: mass media company transformation
Creating efficiency for a global bank
Creating the insurance platform of the future for one of the UK’s largest insurers
Cutting a global insurer’s supplier onboarding time by 50%
Cutting operating costs for a UK energy provider
Delivering better outcomes for patients with smarter product development processes
Delivering insurance with a personal touch through a single data platform
Delivering NHS England’s most complex non-clinical tech procurement
Delivering regulatory change for UK building society
Strategic enterprise transformation
Deploying critical IT Infrastructure
End-to-end partnering framework for a global biopharma
Developing a Target State Operating Model for a technology and language services provider
IT infrastructure digital transformation
Doubling the performance of npower’s smart metering programme
Scaling nationwide fibre network build for UK telco
Equipping a UK building society to fight financial crime
Evaluating the case for the world’s biggest offshore wind project
Freeing up £500m+ at a global FMCG business
ESG materiality assessments for a global insurer
Green Hydrogen value-chains unpacked
Helping a global biopharmaceutical company to simplify their clinical development processes
Helping a global investment bank team to identify risks
Helping a global investment bank to reduce risk by driving data quality improvement
Helping a global media giant get smarter with sales
Helping a large insurer strengthen operational resilience to meet regulatory demands
Helping a large new-build infrastructure project in Australia deliver its climate targets on its journey to net zero in 2040
Unlocking the advantages of digital transformation
Helping a US personal care company become digital
Helping UK Finance make Open Banking a driver for innovation
How Baringa supported medical research charity LifeArc with its transformation
Identifying £130 million of improvement opportunities for a North Sea oil producer
Improving customer service
Keeping large-scale capital investment on track
Enabling data, digital and AI collaboration
Merger of telecom giants
Leading the charge to a digital future
Leading operational transformation
Leading transformational change for UK water company’s customer service team
Maintaining the stability of the New South Wales power system
Making a global telecoms company fit for the future with an optimised organisation structure
Mapping a fair and functional digital energy system
Maximising impact from AI investment for a global energy leader
Merging two retail energy giants in record time
Modelling net zero strategies for a global technology giant
Modernising critical technology infrastructure for a major government department
Helping a major UK water & sewerage company navigate the shifting bioresources landscape
Overcoming partnering challenges in a leading oncology strategic alliance
Overhauling customer service for British Gas and saving £30 million
Overhauling IT contracts for a major government department
Powering a move into energy services for a global communications company
Reconnecting Thames Water with its customers
Reducing OPEX by 30% at a UK B2B water retailer
Reducing time to market by 50% for FMCG product innovations
Reimagining customer service
Renewable auctions: giving clients 'win-power'
Rescuing leakage performance for an industry leading water company
Restructuring a FTSE 10 health, hygiene and nutrition business
Salesforce transformation at global wealth management company
Securing a better deal for musicians by merging copyright collectives
Securing competitive, long-term power agreements in an energy market facing unprecedented volatility
Setting up an LNG trading business from scratch in just seven months
Shaping Government's net zero portfolio delivery approach
Shaping a renewable energy strategy that generates real value
Shaping a self-generation strategy for a major data centre
Shining a light on new ways to price power for TenneT
Solving the smart metering ‘blackspots’ challenge with Alt HAN Co
Reducing operating costs
Delivering a new organisational structure to breakdown silos, reduce complexity, and effectively scale and grow
Supporting an Australian bank as it joins the race to net zero
Becoming a digital-first insurer
Land Registry
Transforming a global publisher to meet future market demands
Transforming digital capabilities for a food chain
Transforming how a global hi-tech manufacturer measures CAPEX project delivery in real time
Transforming Spirit Energy's digital operations
Transforming a cyber and resilience function
Transforming the IT of a renewable energy company
Turning RWE Supply & Trading into data leaders
PowAR's $3bn renewables acquisition
AI connecting low-carbon devices
Using regulatory change as an opportunity to strengthen and rationalise internal controls
We created calm efficiency in a chaotic FTSE 100 financial services contact centre, and reduced costs by 12%
We designed the NHS Covid vaccine supply chain, putting patients at its centre
We modelled the future of electric vehicles in Belgium with Synergrid
Operationalising patient centricity challenges
Working with Netbeheer Nederland, we helped the Netherlands’ grid get to grips with solar
Baringa in the 2023 Best Workplaces in Singapore
Baringa named “Climate Risk Advisory Firm of the Year”
Baringa named one of Forbes' World’s Best Management Consulting Firms
Baringa is one of Australia’s Best Workplaces for 2023
Forbes World’s Best Management Consulting Firms
Financial Times' 2024 awards
Financial Times' 2025 rankings
Forbes' World’s Best Management Consulting Firms 2024
Our Sustainability Journey
About us
Building the World's Most Trusted Consulting Firm
Navigating Australian financial services regulation
Navigating Australian financial services regulation
Baringa continues to grow European presence
Baringa celebrates two years in Rotterdam
Baringa launches Madrid office with hire of Gerardo Fernández
North America
Lean on AI
Media Centre
Baringa chooses to move beyond B Corp
U.S. consumers views of AI-generated creative content
U.S. companies face more than $380 billion in additional costs
UK firms face largest ever increase in debt-driven costs
Companies associated with ESG most likely to succeed
Baringa opens first Birmingham office
Kindness - a surprising driver of consumer purchase decisions
Consumers increasing focus on company ethics during recession
Press Releases Archive
U.S. climate change plans
Baringa congratulates Vattenfall on funding for first hydrogen-producing offshore turbine
Baringa and BlackRock enter long-term climate partnership
Baringa congratulate PNE Group
Ghana - An analysis of the natural gas market and the role of LNG
Baringa Partners congratulate Treïs Group and Ernst Rosén on the successful sale of majority stake in the leading IPP in Sweden
Baringa hires industry leader to drive European power advisory
Baringa bolsters DSO consulting arm with new acquisition
Baringa proud to support RATCH Group on the acquisition of Nexif's APAC portfolio
RESS 2 renewable auction
Baringa opens Dutch office as it continues to grow its European footprint
BNP Paribas to partner with Baringa in the development of its climate scenario analysis capability
Baringa congratulates Vattenfall on successful sale of Eemshaven Magnum CCGT
Baringa congratulates Ørsted on selling a 50% stake in Germany’s largest windfarm
Baringa congratulate partners on financial close of Dogger Bank Wind Farm C
Accelerated coal to gas transition will save Bulgaria 46 million tonnes of CO2 emissions and €2.3billion
Partnership Tax Strategy
Baringa Supplier Code of Conduct
Data Security
Early Careers
Tips for a successful internship
Building connections as an intern
As an intern you are given real responsibilities from day one
Working as an analyst in consulting
A day in the life of a Baringa intern
Early Careers Enquiries
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Digital and AI can solve your toughest challenges and elevate your business performance. But success isn’t always straightforward. Where can you unlock opportunity? And what does it take to set the foundation for lasting success?